

Week 1-Week 14 Li Jingbu/0367209 Video And Sound Production/Bachelor of design(honours) in creative media  Instruction Project Link Exercise:  https://0367209.blogspot.com/2024/05/video-sound-production-exercises.html Pproject 1: https://0367209.blogspot.com/2024/05/video-and-sound-production-final-project.html Project 2:  https://0367209.blogspot.com/2024/05/video-sound-production-project-2.html Final Project:  https://0367209.blogspot.com/2024/05/video-sound-production-final-project.html Submission Project1& Project1 exercise 2 Phone call: Voice from inside of closet: Voice of toilet Underground cave Alien voice Project2 Final Video Project 2B- Proposal Instagram Video (Final cut) Instagram Link:  https://www.instagram.com/reel/C82PEO_PaRY/?utm_source=ig_web_copy_link&igsh=MzRlODBiNWFlZA== Final Project Reflection Experience My experience in the video and sound production course was highly rewarding. The course provided a perfect blend of theoretical k...


  Start Week10- End Week14 Li Jingbu/ 0367209 Interactive Design/Bachelor Of Design In Creative Media Instruction Final Project Project Overview: In this web design project, you will create a single-page website dedicated to your favorite topic. This project will help you develop your web design and development skills while allowing you to showcase your passion for the topic of your choice. Project Requirements: Artist Selection: Choose your favorite topic as the subject of your website. Ensure you are genuinely interested in the topic, as this will help you create a more engaging website. Decide the site's goal to ensure that the site has clear content. Content:   Your content should have at least 5 sections that explain the topic of interest. It should engaging and significant to the topic. You should also include one CTA button that reflects the content.   Design Elements: Choose a color scheme and fonts that reflect the artist's style or your taste. Ensure a visu...


Week 1 - Week 14 LI JINGBU/ 0367209 DESIGN PRINCIPLES/ Bachelor of design(honours) in creative media Instruction Task 1 (Proposal)&Task 2 (Critical Review) Task 3 (Primary Data) Task 4 (Final Report and Reflection) Presentation slides https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1iF7K1NqqsJWp7vOyymJYec6gj_R9l0FI/edit?usp=share_link&ouid=101321039832422706061&rtpof=true&sd=true Video recording of presentations Feedback Week1: Module introduction & briefing of all tasks Week2: I modified the theme by guidance. Week3:  Need to finish task one or two as soon as possible. Week4:No feedback Week5:No feedback Week6:No feedback Week7:No feedback Week8:No feedback Week9:No feedback Week10:The questionnaire needs to be completed as soon as possible. Week11:No feedback Week12:No feedback Week13:Need to finish the PowerPoint as soon as possible. Week14:No feedback R eflection Experience: In this semester's design research methodology course, I have encountered very many difficult...


Start Week1 -Week14 LI JINGBU/0367209 ADVANCED TYPOGRAPHY/Bachelor of design(honours) in creative media Instruction Link Task1: https://0367209.blogspot.com/2024/04/at.html Task2: https://0367209.blogspot.com/2024/06/advanced-typography-task-2.html Task3: https://0367209.blogspot.com/2024/07/advanced-typography-task-3.html Submission Task 1 Typographic Systems: Using Fonts: Bembo Std Radial System Using Fonts:  Univers LT Std   Dilatational System Using Fonts: Gill Sans Random System Using Fonts:  ITC New Baskerville Std Modular System Using Fonts: Bodoni Std Grid System Using Fonts: Gill Sans Transitional System Using Fonts:  ITC New Baskerville Std   Bilateral System Using Fonts: Bodoni Std PDF Finding Type: Final Font Entire Process                                             Task 2(A): Final Animation Task 2(B): Insgram Link: https://www.instagram.co...