Start Week1 -Week14
LI JINGBU/0367209
ADVANCED TYPOGRAPHY/Bachelor of design(honours) in creative media
Task 1
Typographic Systems:
Using Fonts: Bembo Std
Radial System
Using Fonts: Univers LT Std
Dilatational System
Using Fonts: Gill Sans
Random System
Using Fonts: ITC New Baskerville Std
Modular System
Using Fonts: Bodoni Std
Grid System
Using Fonts: Gill Sans
Transitional SystemUsing Fonts: ITC New Baskerville Std
Bilateral System
Using Fonts: Bodoni Std
Finding Type:
Final Animation
Insgram Link:
screen shot
Task 3: Type Exploration & Application
Download fonts here:Font(Sir, it seems like this should require a download before you can see it, probably because of FontForge)
Observation: After learning typeface design, I began to pay more attention to and observe the font choices and typography of the texts around me. How different fonts affect the effect of information conveyance became the focus of my attention. Through the course, I gained a deeper understanding of the aesthetics and design principles of fonts. Started to be able to analyze and evaluate the strengths and weaknesses of different fonts and their applicability in different design environments.
Findings: Typeface design is not only about artistic creation, but also involves the use of technical tools and design thinking. I realized that good font design needs to find a balance between creativity and technology in order to achieve the best visual effect and user experience. Font design should not only pursue aesthetics, but also optimize the user's reading experience. The readability, comfort and adaptability of fonts become important factors that cannot be ignored in the design process.