Week 1 - Week 14 LI JINGBU/ 0367209 DESIGN PRINCIPLES/ Bachelor of design(honours) in creative media Instruction Task 1 (Proposal)&Task 2 (Critical Review) Task 3 (Primary Data) Task 4 (Final Report and Reflection) Presentation slides Video recording of presentations Feedback Week1: Module introduction & briefing of all tasks Week2: I modified the theme by guidance. Week3: Need to finish task one or two as soon as possible. Week4:No feedback Week5:No feedback Week6:No feedback Week7:No feedback Week8:No feedback Week9:No feedback Week10:The questionnaire needs to be completed as soon as possible. Week11:No feedback Week12:No feedback Week13:Need to finish the PowerPoint as soon as possible. Week14:No feedback R eflection Experience: In this semester's design research methodology course, I have encountered very many difficult...